It’s September so we reckon a whole load of you Cheesies Chums might be winging yourselves back to an office or getting serious about meal prepping. We’re right, right?
Which in case you didn’t know, is 20 of our on-the-go bags, ready in waiting for chucking in your bag on your way out of the door.
We do warn you though, don’t go leaving your stash unattended in the staff room (or to be honest, anywhere) as you may find them mysteriously disappearing. It really does happen.
We’ll have to do some sales-y stuff here by saying that Cheesies are a cracking snack for you to have knocking about your desk drawer as they are:
✅ High in protein which handily keeps you fuller for longer, not like crisps (which we reckon are overrated anyway)
✅ Low to no carbs
✅ Veggie Friendly
Snack to work with Cheesies, you won't regret it.
*code valid until 11.59pm on the 9th September. One code per customer.